Monday, November 10, 2008

Our final team activity

On Sunday we had one last team activity. A group of us pooled together some money to buy bicycles for the children at the orphanage we visited. It really was a loaves and fishes sort of thing. We put together enough money to buy eight bicycles (at a street price of 1.2M VND each) and then with other sources and some good bargaining, turned this into 14 bicycles, including a smaller one for the little kids, and supplies - mostly brakes and things. So on Sunday, we arranged for at truck and two taxies to take us and the bikes to the orphanage.
It was the BEST thing we did in my opinion. I know we were in Vietnam for business reaons, to help Vietnam small-medium business jump start themselves by access to our collective IBM experience. But personally, the part of the trip that moved me the most, and that I think we had the biggest impact with, was at the orphanage.
Many of the kids remembered us from our visit the week before. It was great to see them again and to spend time with some of the mentally disabled kids (we didn't get to do that the other time as we went after work then instead of Sunday afternoon this time).
There are lots of photos - I think that Tom put a bunch up on our IBM AdTech blog. Once I get home and have access to a working computer again, I will add some of my pictures. In the meantime, it is the home stretch as I am in Narita on a yuch-o seven hour layover. In 24 hours I will be re-learning how to use a knife and fork (but I am bringing chopsticks just in case I can't cope.....)

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